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the art of loving every moment

Every moment is a good one if you let it be.

I’m not at all saying you have to feel and act positive all of the time. Some things just suck. But a lot of the time, there are still so many little things to apreciate about the moments you live.

Here are 3 things to keep in mind and look for to learn to love every moment.

1. Everything is Temporary

Not a single feeling, emotion, or moment in time is permanent.

Everything is constantly changing, and I think being aware of this makes the toughest moments easier to get through.

I live with chronic illness and I will for the rest of my life. But even still, pain levels fluctuate, the toughest moments eventually pass, and with the ever-changing flow of life come waves of happiness that make the rest of it worth it.

When you’re cold and miserable, remember that time will pass and you’ll be warm again soon. When you’re in pain, rememember that you won’t be forever and relief will come. When it seems like your life is simply falling apart, remember that good moments can happen anytime, anywhere.

2. Every Moment Makes You Grow

You are always learning and growing. Every conversation you have, mistake you make, thing you read, place you see, and new thing you try teaches you more about yourself and the world.

Whether the moment is good, bad, or something in between, it is teaching you more and helping you grow.

So when things go wrong and you’re not having the best time, remember that one day it will all make sense. Even when something sucks in the moment, it will help you in one way or another later on.

3. Seek Out Things that Make You Happy

When you fall in love with the little things and seek them out, suddenly every day, every moment, is filled with things that make you happy.

Dress in the clothes that truly make you happy, fall in love with the view on your drive to work, listen to the music you love, and always make a point to look for beautiful things around you like the trees that tower over you, the stars, and the flowers that cover the Earth.

When you fall in love with the little, dependable things that exist in your everyday life, suddenly happiness is everywhere.

This way, even when times are hard, you still have so many things you can depend on to bring you little bits of happiness.

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One Comment

  1. i just wanted to tell you to keep doing what you do, because you make an awesome content. you’re my inspiration and due to you i know to never stop dreaming and to never give up on making my dreams come true. i’m so grateful i met your pinterest account and got to know your perspective of the life, because i finally feel someone in this world – even though living thousands kilometers away from me – really understands me. you had similiar goals as me and reached them, which motivates me to carry on reaching mine and helps going through hard episodes of my life. thank you for being you!! ❣️

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