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How to Create the Life of Your Dreams While Living Your Day-to-Day Life

Every day you make numerous little decisions that decide the course of your day, and the way you live your day-to-day ultimately determines how you spend your time on this Earth.

Okay, that sounds like a lot of pressure, but I promise it’s a beautiful thing. In your little, everyday decisions, you can create the life of your dreams.

Some Things Make You Happy, and That’s For a Reason

Every little thing you love- from your favorite colors to your best friends, your hobbies, and all the things you find beautiful- makes up the reasons you love being alive.

It’s not strange or a coincidence that you feel a rush of inspiration and a smile stuck on your face when you see a good sunset or feel like you could simply walk on air after talking to someone in particular. If the positive feelings outweigh the fear when you do something objectively terrifying like skydiving or swimming with sharks, or you feel a wave of peace wash over you when you read a book or make art, that’s not an accident either. When you spend long hours with someone, yet it passes in the blink of an eye, that is something notable that you shouldn’t pass off. Your heart, body, and mind, give you feelings and cues to guide you to the life you’re supposed to live.

Fill your days with all these little things that make you happy, and you will create a beautiful, happy life that you love.

How to Fill Your Days With Your Favorite Things (Even the Busy Days)

It would be pretty cool if you could devote all of your time to finding happiness, but unfortunately for most people, this is not feasible.

The good news is that you can still easily fill your days with things you love, even on your busiest days and the toughest seasons of your life.

Retrain Your Mind

When your to-do list gets too long, it’s easy to feel stuck in an endless flow of stress which makes it hard to believe there is any time for fun.

It’s easy to get caught believing you need an abundance of time, money, and energy in order for fun and adventure but the good news is, you really don’t.

You can make memories, see parts of the world, grow into the best version of yourself, and build the life you dream about while doing things that hardly cost a dime and barely take a fraction out of your day.

Take just five minutes to read, draw, write, or whatever else brings you joy, and see that even your busiest days have time for happiness. When you have an hour free, just try that hobby you’ve always wondered about. Set a timer for the little amount of time you have available and take a walk, hike, go for a swim, or simply go outside until it goes off, and even in that short time you will feel the positive effects of being outside.

Easy Switches For Mundane Things:

There are quite a few things you simply have to do in your everyday life like work, do school, eat, take care of the people that depend on you, take care of yourself, run errands, and whatever other tasks and responsibilities you carry.

Sometimes, with just a little bit of effort, you can create an adventure out of everyday mundane things.

Here are some ideas:

  • Have a picnic instead of eating at the table.
  • Watch the sunset- it goes down and paints the sky every night, whether you’re there to see it or not.
  • Whether you’re working, doing homework, scrolling on your phone, drawing, or reading- try doing that at a coffee shop, on a blanket in the grass under the shade of a tree, at a picnic table in a pretty spot, or really anywhere other than your desk.
  • If you have a 10 minute break, take a walk or sit outside.
  • Take the scenic way home once in a while

Trust the Flow of Life

Life is a constant flow of the good and the bad. Trust this flow; when things are bad, remember that good things will come soon, and in the good times, you don’t have to be afraid of things going wrong because the good will always come back eventually.

When it feels like everything is going wrong, remember that it won’t feel this bad forever, and in the meantime, remember that you have the power to find pieces of happiness in your everyday life.

Start taking baby steps toward the life of your dreams. I promise it’s not too hard.

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