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Reminders For When Life Kind of Sucks.

On those days when you stress out about where your life is going, uncomfy changes are happing, or nothing quite feels right, read this for a little peace and reassurance

You are Constantly Learning and Growing, Even When You Don’t Realize It

Every time you mess up, get your heart broken, or something goes wrong-you grow. Even though it probably sucks at the moment, you are learning a handful of lessons, both big and small, that will help you later on.

Every moment that makes you smile- from laughing with your friends to smiles of accomplishment- is guiding you to the life of your dreams. Every genuinely good moment is showing you what makes you happy and how you want to spend your days.

You are constantly growing, learning, and building the life of your dreams.

There Are Things You Can Always Depend on

No matter what unwelcomed changes happen in your life, you can always depend on:

  • The sun and the stars
  • The phases of the moon
  • The sun rising and setting every day
  • The fact that rain will always come, but it will always stop too
  • Sunshine
  • Music
  • The seasons bringing beautiful new changes

When you’re anxious about things changing, find security in the good pieces of life that you can always depend on.

Beautiful Moments Often Happen When You Least Expect Them

On bad days, remember that beautiful moments are right around the corner.

Like getting caught in a random rainstorm and seeing a rainbow afterward or seeing a butterfly, sometimes the most beautiful moments happen when you don’t expect them.

It’s like when a stranger compliments your outfit on a day you felt insecure, when you’re sad and your friend makes you laugh really hard, or when you actually do pretty good at something you thought you’d suck at.

When you’re feeling down, remember that life works in weird and unexpected ways. You never know when things will change for the better, a really good opportunity will come along, or you will meet somebody that becomes an important part of your life.

It doesn’t matter if you’re on a bucket list trip or just busy in the day-to-day, at any moment you could meet someone that ends up becoming one of your closest friends, husband, wife, or anything in between.

Life is a constant flow of both the good and the bad. When things are tough, that just means good things will happen soon.

Life is pretty cool like that.

You’re Way Cooler Than You Realize

When you’re feeling insecure, remember that you are way cooler than you realize. It’s easy to forget, I mean you spend all of your time with yourself, so you start to get used to all the things that make you incredible.

You will never know how many people you’ve inspired with a conversation you had, something you created, or the way you live your life. You don’t even notice it most of the time, but people do double-takes when you walk in the room because you’re beautiful. Maybe you worry about people talking badly about you, but you forget how many people talk about how much they love you and sing your praises when you’re not around.

You’ve Felt Like This Before and It Always Gets Better

When you’re feeling anxious, sad, irritable, or anything along those lines, remind yourself that you’ve felt this feeling before and it always passes.

You Have So Much More Life to Live

When you’re worried you’re not doing enough, stressed about where your life is going, or maybe even worried about aging and getting old, remember that you have so much more life to live.

There are memories you haven’t made yet that will make you smile one day. There are people you haven’t met yet, but one day you will love them. Of all the places you will see and explore over your lifetime, you haven’t even seen a fraction of them yet.

You have so much more life to live, and it will be more beautiful than you could imagine.

Thank You for Reading

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