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Final Summer Bucket List: 8 Things To Do One Last Time Before Fall

It’s September now, so there are about a few weeks left before fall comes into full swing. Depending on who you ask, fall might’ve begun at 12:00 AM on September 1st.

To keep this simple, let’s base this on the calendar. Here are 8 things to do one last time before fall begins on September 22nd.

1. Find Wildflowers

Very soon, the colors wildflowers you see spread out across fields and growing on the side of the road will disappear. Before they do, go find some.

Take photos of them on their own and photos with you in them, put flowers in your hair, and be sure to smell them and stare at them for a while too.

Fall in love with the flowers one last time before they’re gone until next summer.

2. Lay Under the Stars

You can and should keep on stargazing all throughout the year, but take advantage of these last few summer nights. The air is still warm and the ground isn’t freezing yet, lay outside on the grass and stare up into the night sky as much as you can.

3. Sit Under the Shade of a Tree

It’s something so simple that you don’t even think twice about it during the summer- it’s hot in the sun so you find shade and sit beneath a tree.

Just take a moment to remember how incredible this simple thing is. This huge tree growing up from the Earth that’s alive and full of green leaves is protecting you from the sun for a moment. It’s incredible, and a wonderful reminder of how connected everything is and you are a part of it too.

So before all of the leaves fall and the trees are bare all winter, go sit in the green grass in the shade of a tree.

Soon, the leaves will change color which is incredible as well and you might be super excited about that change. Before that change happens though, appreciate where the world is now and fall in love with the green leaves one last time.

4. Night Swimming

Swimming on summer nights is a guarantee for incredible memories that last forever.

The combination of looking at the stars, belly laughing while trying to scramble down to the water in the dark, sharing towels and hugging each other when it gets freaking cold, and just being out there with friends makes for an incredible night. Even when things go wrong and someone slips and falls or everyone gets lost, you always end up with a good story too.

I could go on about how good these summer nights are with friends and how grateful I am for the memories, but the point is, fall is coming and these warm nights are fleeting by. While they’re still here, make the most of them and go night swimming at least one last time.

5. Have a Picnic With Friends

This is another one that you absolutely should keep on doing throughout fall. Fall picnics are beautiful, but they are so much different than summer picnics. Sweaters and blankets replace dresses and short sleeves, crunchy leaves on the ground and colorful trees replace flowers and grass and trees that are full of life, and pumpkin bread and other fall foods replace the fruits and fresh foods that remind you of summer.

The changes that come with fall are beautiful and exciting, but in a few months, you might start to miss these summer days. Before they disappear, take advantage of these summer days and go on one last summer picnic.

6. Sunbathe

Before the weather changes, sunbathe as much as you can.

Throughout your day, make time to stop and just close your eyes, face the sun, and let the sunshine pour down on you for a few minutes.

Take a blanket to the park and just lay down in the sunshine. If you’re super busy, you can work while you lay there. You can also read or do any other activity you enjoy. Or, just lay there and do absolutely nothing.

No matter how busy your schedule is, make time to soak in the warm sunshine before it cools down for the season.

7. Walk to Go Get Ice Cream

Walking to the ice cream shop, standing in line and choosing your flavor, then walking around town or sitting in the grass with an ice cream cone is something that just screams “summer”.

While you’re still wearing tank tops and have to “worry” about the sun melting your ice cream faster than you can eat it, go walk to the ice cream shop with your friends and make a happy little memory together.

8. Swim at Your Favorite Spot

Whether it’s a rope swing into the lake, a spot along the river, the beach, a place you anchor your boat and jump in and swim around a pool, or that secret spot you found, go swim at your favorite spot one last time.

Whether you spent nearly every day there this summer or only found it once, go there and swim and just let it feel like summer.

In a few months, when the weather is too cold to swim or maybe the water has frozen over completely, you will be grateful to have this happy memory of your last summer swim.

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