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The Art of Being Creative

For People Who Don’t Consider Themselves to be Artistic

Growing up, I never created art. Aside from the classic arts and crafts any kid does, I never set out time for art.

The reason why? I thought I was bad at it.

I have two sisters and both have always been incredible artists. They were the artists, and I drew the sun in the corner of the paper. For Christmas, I gave them the lumps of clay I created in pottery class as payback for “stealing all of the art genes.”

They were the creative ones and I was athletic. Sure, they could create something beautiful and I saw how happy it made them to create, but I could climb mountains.

My creative flow was found through the freedom of movement and my physical abilities. But then I became chronically ill. Rock climbing and all the other things that used to come naturally were now a chore that put me in more pain. My quality of life slipped away as all the things that used to make me happy started to put me in more pain.

But then one day, I drove to Michael’s and bought a few canvases, some paints, and a pack of paintbrushes. That night, I started painting.

I didn’t care if it turned out to be something I hung on my wall or something that ended up in the garbage. I had never bought my own art stuff before that, and I think knowing it was all mine kind of took away the pressure to create something “good.”

I started painting and I fell in love with every bit of it- the flow of the paintbrush, watching the colors coming together, and the fact that I forgot anything else existed except for the canvas in front of me.

I realized how much I love being creative. It’s the ability to turn your thoughts, emotions, dreams, and feelings into a piece of art-something you can physically hold out in front of you.

So even if you consider yourself to be the least artistic person to exist,

just give it a try.

Here are some ideas:

Give your mind a break from the day-to-day and all the things stressing you out, while also letting your mind flow, expand, and create.

I swear, I’ve come up with some of my best ideas while painting and coloring. It is also such a good way to relax and make the stress and anxiety disappear for a while.

Make it as low pressure as possible so it brings you nothing but peace. Don’t worry about it turning out good, and no one even needs to see it other than you.

Allowing your mind to be creative will bring you to new levels of peace, teach you new things about yourself, grow, think on deeper levels, dream bigger, and it might even change your outlook on life for the better.

Give yourself the freedom and space to create, and just wait and see the positive impacts it will make on your life.

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