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25 of the Best Feelings in This Life

We live an incredible life. We live on a beautiful Earth filled with endless places to explore. We coexist on this Earth with billions of beautiful people living their own little lives. Every day there are possibilities to fall in love and opportunities to create whatever reality you dream of.

The life we live is a balance of all the good and all the bad, things we can control and times when we’re just along for the ride, feeling stressed and then that glorious feeling when you finally finish that thing that’s been weighing on you, being heartbroken then later finding that person you fall head over heels for without fear of the unknown.

Life is a balance. The bad parts are inevitable, but the good parts that balance it are so, so good.

Here are 25 of the best feelings in life. The ones that remind you how beautiful this life is, even when it feels like the bad parts are overwhelming you.

  1. Running into a hug with someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
  2. Crossing something off your bucket list.
  3. Kissing someone in the rain.
  4. Diving into water.
  5. Running so fast you think your legs might fall off.
  6. Discovering your new favorite song.
  7. Noticing yourself getting stronger, more comfortable, or better at something.
  8. Laying under the stars with someone you love.
  9. Laughing so hard you cry.
  10. When you finally finish something that’s been stressing you out.
  11. Making a new friend.
  12. Drinking coffee while watching the sunrise.
  13. When it’s finally your turn on the roller coaster after waiting in line forever.
  14. Swimming in the rain.
  15. Booking the flight.
  16. Hearing the words, “I’m proud of you”.
  17. Finally seeing someone you miss.
  18. The first warm day in spring.
  19. Seeing the first jaw-dropping sight on a road trip.
  20. Realizing you’re doing something you used to dream about.
  21. Driving home late at night when the moon is pretty and the streets are empty.
  22. Feeling the power and pull of the ocean. You’re standing in the ocean, a wave comes, and you duck down underwater just far enough so you don’t get smashed in the sand, but stand up tall enough so you feel the power of the ocean jostle you around.
  23. When you’re thinking about how much you miss someone then you look at your phone and see they reached out to you.
  24. The feeling of sunshine on your skin.
  25. Giving someone a gift they genuinely love.

I hope you fall a little bit deeper in love with life today. Check back later for part 2 for 25 more.

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