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6 Things You Can Cross Off Your Bucket List Today

You have a bucket list. Whether it’s a physical list on paper or a mental cluster of things you dream about, you have a bucket list of things you want to do.

The things you put on your bucket list are probably pretty far out like jumping out of planes and traveling the world, but not every bucket list item has to be jaw-dropping scary, and death-defying.

Personally, my bucket list ranges from going places without shoes to swimming next to great white sharks. There are SO many things on there. My bucket list grows every day, but there is also already a good portion of it already scribbled out.

The big, bucket-list-worthy events we talk about are cool. They’re so cool. But when we only put these major, scary, life-changing things down, it’s super easy to tuck away your list and think of it as some far-off thing that you will complete “someday.”

Bucket lists are a tangible way to cross things off and to determine whether or not you got what you wanted out of this life.

This is your reminder that you are alive right now. Whether you realize it or not, you are creating the stories you will tell one day and the memories you’ll look back on.

You are in the process of completing your bucket list. Don’t leave it to cram the night before it’s “due”.

You need to start crossing things off right now. Take a look at your bucket list. If it’s only huge monumental events, maybe go back and add some smaller things like what I am about to talk about.

Here are 6 simple things you can cross off your bucket list today. By the end of the day, you can have 6 things crossed off without questioning if you should’ve made a will.

1. Watch the Sunrise AND Sunset

If you’re like most of us, you have slept through more sunrises than you’ve seen.

You’ve probably seen a handful of breathtaking sunsets, but you’ve probably missed quite a few too.

The sun rises and sets every single day in a super dramatic and colorful show across the sky, but somewhere along the line it became completely normal to us and we miss way too many of them.

So today or tomorrow or whatever “bucket list day” you pick, make an effort to watch both the sunrise and sunset on the same day.

You can go big and do sunrise or sunset hikes. You can watch from a rooftop or somewhere else objectively really cool. You can watch from the back of your car or sitting in your own backyard. You can paint while watching it or do nothing at all. Bring your favorite people or watch by yourself.

Do it in whatever way is most fulfilling to you, it’s your bucket list and your memory.

2. Go Somewhere Pretty and Paint

Go somewhere that makes you say, “holy sh**,” and bring your paints.

It can be while watching the sunrise or set, at your favorite spot by the creek, beside the ocean, in the forest surrounded by trees, or up a mountain road with an incredible view.

Walk to your favorite pretty spot or drive somewhere cool. If it’s cold or you can’t leave your house for whatever reason, sit by the window with the prettiest view.

My favorite painting memory is sitting on top of my friend’s jeep with my best friends under the stars. Without any lights on, we all picked three random colors and just started painting. After about 20 minutes of painting and getting distracted by the sky, we turned on a flashlight to see our masterpieces.

We were busting up looking at green sunsets, red oceans, and overall very horribly done paintings.

My second favorite painting memory is driving up my favorite mountain road and pulling off at a lookout to sit in the back of my car and paint. The view was mind-blowing with pine trees all around and mountains that went on forever. Just being there would be enough to feel completely at peace. Painting made the experience absolutely magical and by the time I left, my face hurt from smiling so much because I was just that happy.

I can assure you the painting I made will never find its way into an art museum, and that is perfectly okay. I honestly have zero memory of what I painted, but I remember exactly how happy I felt.

Don’t have painting supplies? Click the link below for the best deals on the pains I use!

3. Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Tell your future self all about your life right now. Write who your friends are and some of your recent memories, both good and bad. Write how you feel in this very moment and how life has been feeling as a whole.

Write everything that’s on your mind. Talk about the things that are stressing you out so much they make your head spin.

Write down your goals and dreams for the future. The possibilities you dream about and all the things you want out of this life, write it all down.

By the time you read your letter, you will see if you were spot on with your goals or if things worked out differently. You’ll smile knowing how good everything turned out and be grateful to remember the little memories you wrote about.

4. Go Outside and Dance Barefoot

Do it with your friends or all by yourself.

Walk outside, put on some really good music, and dance free. Feel the Earth below you, the wind blowing your hair, and the sun on your skin.

I’m not sure if it’s the dancing part, the wind blowing your hair, the sun on your skin, the Earth below you, or the unbound feeling you get when you stop caring what you look like, but I promise this is one of the most freeing, happy things you can do for yourself.

Extra points if you can put flowers in your hair.

Even more points if you do this somewhere really pretty.

An absurd amount of extra points if it’s snowing and you do it anyway.

5. Kiss Someone Under a Sky of Stars

This one’s pretty self-explanatory, and I promise it’s a memory you will be very happy to have.

If you have no one to kiss, that’s okay. Save this one for a day you do.

But for right now, you can still have a bucket-list-worthy-star moment. You can sit on a rooftop or lie in the grass and just stare at the stars for a while. You can paint or do something else creative that makes you really happy. Just be.

6. Drive With The Windows Down and Your Favorite Music Playing Real Loud

Sounds really simple, right?

Maybe you never even thought about this belonging on a bucket list because you’ve done this so many times.

It’s something so simple, but I promise it will make you feel so happy and free, every single time. It never gets old.

Do this with your best friends. Your face will hurt from smiling too hard and you will have some very happy memories.

Do it every time you drive your car. It’s like a freedom re-set and it’s something you can do every single day.

Try it today, and see how free it makes you feel.

Oh, and it only counts if you let your hair blow wild and free. Extra points if you and your friends serenade people at stoplights.

I said it before and I’ll never stop saying it, this is your life, and you are living it right now. The life you are living and the moments you are creating are the memories you’ll look back on one day. So make them really, really good. Give your future self memories to smile about and stories to tell:)

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